Learn How To Show Lilies in A Lily Show
The following is the scale of points which judges use to judge lily stems in most classes in the horticulture section of the show. A slightly different scale of points is used for judging seedlings which are entered in Section C (Classes 21-30), as the condition of seedlings is not deemed to be as important in these classes.
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Before cutting any stems, it’s a good idea to have a look through the lily patch and identify the stems which might be appropriate to take to the show. Straight stems and nice looking foliage are a good starting point. Also check for insect damage and evidence of disease. Remember that in order to be judged in the show, at least one flower must be open to the typical shape and form of that species or cultivar.
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Arranging lilies can be a rewarding and creative experience. To help others avoid some of my initial mistakes, I will share some of the techniques I have learned to date. I say to date because I realize I have "just begun" in the art of lily arranging.
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The Scale of Points is used to judge Horticulture Sections A,B,E,H, I and Class 38:
- Condition -30 points
- Vigour - 20 points
- Placement on stem - 20 points
- Flower substance - 10 points
- Form of flowers - 10 points
- Colour of flowers - 10 points
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Culture: Fertilize as lilies are heavy feeders; treat for botrytis before it gets going and stake promising lilies so the stems are straight!
Read the show schedule carefully and enter as many classes as possible.
Check stems in the garden before cutting; use the criteria in the prize list the judges do!
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